Take 4: It's My Birthday, Dammit
So, my birthday was June 28, and I decided, what the hell…it’s my special day, and I’m going to watch whatever the hell I want to watch. So read on, and take a look at the four movies I decided to check out.
The Film Crew: Killers from Space (2007)
In 25 Words Or Less…: Mike, Kevin and Bill, members of The Film Crew, sit through cheesy films and leave snarky commentary tracks that mercilessly mock what they are watching.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’m a huge fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K), and these three guys formed the trio of Mike Nelson and (the voices behind) his two robot pals, Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot. I was hoping that it would be just as enjoyable as the original series.
Curt’s Take – Worth Considering: It was a bit disconcerting to watch this, actually. Sitting through The Film Crew was nearly identical to sitting through an episode of MST3K. The only difference was that there was no silhouette of Mike, Tom and Crow at the bottom of the screen…other than that, the voices were completely the same. I kept having to remind myself that Mike wasn’t trading barbs with Crow and Tom…he was bantering with Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy. This took some getting used to, but when it comes down to it, the hilarity of the jokes and pop culture commentary were on par with those from the original MST3K series. If you liked them from that, definitely consider taking this one for a spin. As for the film they were mocking, Killers from Space, it was pretty bad…and Peter Graves, one of the stars, gave them plenty of material with which to work.
Flight of the Living Dead (2007)
In 25 Words Or Less…: A scientific experiment contained in a plane’s cargo hold gets loose and starts contaminating the passengers and crew, who must now fight for their lives.
Why Did I Pick This?: Come on! Is that not the BEST title ever for a zombie movie? Genius!
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Jumping; Cargo Bay; Head Chopped Off; Shot in the Forehead; Celebrity
And I Quote…: Frank: “You thought it was me gnawing on the passengers? Nah, I'm a vegetarian.”
Curt’s Take – Don’t Bother: I thought this might be a clever send-off of zombie flicks. No such luck. Over the top gore, little in the way of hilarity, and way too lengthy zombie attack scenes. Definitely a rip-off of Snakes on a Plane, and had the potential to be much more entertaining than it was. So if you’re curious (like I was) how a zombie attack would play out on a plane…just go on and keep wondering. You’re better off not watching this.
A Midsummer Night’s Rave (2002)
In 25 Words Or Less…: The tale of Puck, Lysander, Hermia and the rest of the gang from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream get a modern-day makeover.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’ve always enjoyed remakes/updates of Shakespeare’s plays (I’m still trying to track down the Ethan Hawke version of Hamlet that takes place in the hectic world of banking and high finance), and Midsummer has steadfastly been one of my favorites.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Drugs; Rave; Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
And I Quote…: Puck's Monologue
Curt’s Take – Worth Considering: I really enjoyed this…but if you aren’t familiar with the original story and characters, you probably aren’t going to get a lot out of it. The music is thumping, the pace is fast, and you just kind of fall into it. So if you do know your Helena from your Hermia and your Demetrius from your Lysander, check this out…and don’t forget your glowsticks.
Black Sheep (2006)
In 25 Words Or Less…: A farm owner in New Zealand creates a new breed of genetically-superior sheep…but something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’m always game for odd mixtures of humor and horror…and the idea of a bunch of sheep going all The Birds on farmers, scientists and animal rights activists is right up my alley.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Severed Foot; Weresheep; Vegetarian; Exploding Fart; Vegan
And I Quote…: Tucker: “What about the sheep?” Angus: “Fuck the sheep!” Tucker: “No time for that bro. Go! Go! Go!”
Curt’s Take – Worth Considering: Heh. Good times. Clever writing, great cast, and a frickin’ ridiculous premise. Check it out if you’re in for a good laugh, and don’t mind your horror mixed up with a fair bit of comedy (or vice versa). Just beware…it does get a bit graphic/gory at times.
The Film Crew: Killers from Space (2007)

In 25 Words Or Less…: Mike, Kevin and Bill, members of The Film Crew, sit through cheesy films and leave snarky commentary tracks that mercilessly mock what they are watching.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’m a huge fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K), and these three guys formed the trio of Mike Nelson and (the voices behind) his two robot pals, Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot. I was hoping that it would be just as enjoyable as the original series.

Flight of the Living Dead (2007)

In 25 Words Or Less…: A scientific experiment contained in a plane’s cargo hold gets loose and starts contaminating the passengers and crew, who must now fight for their lives.
Why Did I Pick This?: Come on! Is that not the BEST title ever for a zombie movie? Genius!

And I Quote…: Frank: “You thought it was me gnawing on the passengers? Nah, I'm a vegetarian.”
Curt’s Take – Don’t Bother: I thought this might be a clever send-off of zombie flicks. No such luck. Over the top gore, little in the way of hilarity, and way too lengthy zombie attack scenes. Definitely a rip-off of Snakes on a Plane, and had the potential to be much more entertaining than it was. So if you’re curious (like I was) how a zombie attack would play out on a plane…just go on and keep wondering. You’re better off not watching this.
A Midsummer Night’s Rave (2002)

In 25 Words Or Less…: The tale of Puck, Lysander, Hermia and the rest of the gang from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream get a modern-day makeover.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’ve always enjoyed remakes/updates of Shakespeare’s plays (I’m still trying to track down the Ethan Hawke version of Hamlet that takes place in the hectic world of banking and high finance), and Midsummer has steadfastly been one of my favorites.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Drugs; Rave; Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
And I Quote…: Puck's Monologue
Curt’s Take – Worth Considering: I really enjoyed this…but if you aren’t familiar with the original story and characters, you probably aren’t going to get a lot out of it. The music is thumping, the pace is fast, and you just kind of fall into it. So if you do know your Helena from your Hermia and your Demetrius from your Lysander, check this out…and don’t forget your glowsticks.
Black Sheep (2006)

In 25 Words Or Less…: A farm owner in New Zealand creates a new breed of genetically-superior sheep…but something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Why Did I Pick This?: I’m always game for odd mixtures of humor and horror…and the idea of a bunch of sheep going all The Birds on farmers, scientists and animal rights activists is right up my alley.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Severed Foot; Weresheep; Vegetarian; Exploding Fart; Vegan

Curt’s Take – Worth Considering: Heh. Good times. Clever writing, great cast, and a frickin’ ridiculous premise. Check it out if you’re in for a good laugh, and don’t mind your horror mixed up with a fair bit of comedy (or vice versa). Just beware…it does get a bit graphic/gory at times.