Review of the Living Dead
And six months later...Take 4 DVD Reviews is back. And what better way to celebrate the return of that which was thought departed then to review four films featuring the walking dead. Ironically, this was written back in October around Halloween...and just now sees the light of day.
Zombie (1979)

The Basics: An Italian horror film (directed by Lucio Fulci), with a mix of American, British and Italian actors/actresses (including Ian McCulloch, Tisa Farrow, and Richard Johnson); Released as Zombie in the US, but originally titled Zombi 2; Rated R for horror violence/gore and nudity
What's Going On: A reporter is sent to the Antilles in the Caribbean to track down the owner of an abandoned boat that drifted into a New York Harbor (well, there was a zombie on it...but nobody, technically, you know...alive). He is joined by the missing man's daughter, and together (along with another couple) they trace the missing man to a secluded island...where the dead don't seem to be staying dead.
Voodoo or Viral?: It's hard to classify these zombies. At one point, they are attributed to a curse/spell cast by a witch doctor on the other side of the island.but these zombies appear to be your rotting/not-so-fresh-from-the-casket variety, whose bite turns others into the walking dead. So maybe voodoo raised 'em, but a virus spreads 'em.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Slap in the Face; Extreme Gore; Notorious; Body Bag; Gash in the Face

Things to Watch For: An epic battle between a zombie and a shark. Definitely must-see TV.
And I Quote: Dr. Menard: "The boat can leave now. Tell the crew."
Random Trivia: Despite being called Zombi 2, the film is not a sequel to anything. When the makers found out that there was another unrelated movie called Zombie coming out at the same time, they added the "2" in to differentiate the two films.
Curt's Take - Worth Considering: The over-the-top gore that characterizes the Italian horror genre is something that has to be witnessed first-hand. I mean, the acting is pretty bad.and it's a bit disconcerting when some of the actors' voices are dubbed over, and some aren't. But the special effects (especially the make-up effects) are pretty damn good for something made in 1979. I'd go so far as to say that I wouldn't try watching this one sober, though...otherwise, it falls pretty quickly into the Not a Priority range. But as far as horror movies (and zombie movies) may want to check it out if that's your cup of tea.
The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)

The Basics: A horror film (based on a book by Wade Davis) starring Bill Pullman, Cathy Tyson, Zakes Mokae and Paul Winfield; Rated R (having a hard time finding out why.but guessing it's because of horror violence/gore)
What's Going On?: An anthropologist (Pullman) travels to Haiti, on behalf of an American pharmaceutical firm, to get details on a drug that can either bring people back from the dead...or do a damn good job of mimicking death. Unfortunately, hilarity does NOT ensue, as our hero gets deeper and deeper into the political climate and voodoo culture of the island nation.
Voodoo or Viral?: Much more voodoo in nature, than viral. No rotting corpses or spreading of infection here. Just mental games, soul snatching, and drug use.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Male Nudity; Disturbing; Cockfighting; Female Nudity; Voodoo
Things to Watch For: Lots and lots of beheadings.

And I Quote: Lucien Celine: "Whatever happens, death is not the end."
Random Trivia: Due to political strife and civil turmoil in Haiti during the production, the local government informed the film crew that they could not guarantee their safety for the remainder of the shoot. The crew subsequently relocated to the nearby Dominican Republic to complete filming.
Curt's Take - Worth Considering: I'd heard of this one, but added it to my last after it made VH1's Top Horror Films list. It wasn't your typical zombie flick, and you can tell Wes Craven (the director) tried his level best to ensure this horror film kept a cohesive storyline, even though it rolls more like a mystery/thriller for a good deal of the film, but the last half hour or so is a trippy horror flick. Bill Pullman does a good job, too. So...if you're looking for a classy zombie film, you might want to catch this one.
SARS Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis (2004)

The Basics: An action/horror/comedy from Thailand, released under the Thai title Khun krabii hiiroh; Not rated, due to no theatrical release in the United States.but guessing it would be rated R
What's Going On?: Another strain of the SARS virus migrates from Africa to Bangkok, via a very resilient mosquito, infecting many of the residents of an apartment complex, where it just so happens that the daughter of a wealthy businessman is being held for ransom. Can the man sent to rescue the young woman get both of them out alive?
Voodoo or Viral?: Definitely viral. No voodoo here. Plus, uncharacteristically, these zombies can MOVE. I mean, they're damn fast. Not your typical group of shamblers.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Thailand; Sword Fighting; Zombie

Things to Watch For: Where to start...this is one weird movie. I guess I would be remiss to not mention the pregnant zombie and her little baby zombie. Who knew umbilical cords were so elastic.
And I Quote: Master Thep: "We have zombies, a bomb, and now a giant snake..."
Random Trivia: Apparently, there's quite a cult following to this. And it sounds like there's going to be a sequel. Dear Lord, help us all.
Curt's Take - Don't Bother: Shocking, I know.but you can probably just go ahead and skip this one. It's meant to be funny.but it's just...I don't know...weird. Shaun of the Dead is a much better spoof of the genre. You really should only check this out if you have a LOT of alcohol (or other stuff) on hand. That might bump up the rating to Not a Priority¸ but even that's being generous.
Undead (2003)

The Basics: A horror/sci-fi comedy, starring some Aussies (Felicity Mason, Mungo McKay and Rob Jenkins, to name a few); Rated R for strong violence, gore and language
What's Going On?: The small town of Berkeley (located somewhere in Australia) is beset upon by strange glowing meteors that seem to leave behind a wake of zombified townsfolk. So what's up with the alien sightings, strange downpours of scalding rain and huge wall of spikes that seems to be surrounding the town?
Voodoo or Viral?: Much more viral than voodoo. And definitely spreadable. But since meteors are involved, we're probably looking at some sort of space virus.
Top IMDB Plot Keywords: Shot in the Head; Fall from Height; Basement; Nordenfelt Gun; Farmhouse
Things to Watch For: Subtitles...was a bit hard to follow the accent at times. Also, though, some pretty wicked plot twists.
And I Quote: Marion: "One day you're out on your boat.and you get attacked by zombie fish. They munch at your face, like you're the main course at an all-you-can-eat crazy country boy buffet. You walk away, tell the town your story; they think you're mad. Everyone thinks you're mad. You think I'm mad. It happens again. This time it's not zombie's zombie Berkeley. But this time I'm prepared, I'm ready to fight whatever they can throw at me. Still...I wasn't strong enough, the strongest ones are always the last ones left; if that's not me, it must be you. If that was the case you wouldn't have battled the undead and lived. You'd be the entree at a smorgasbord of brainfood."

Random Trivia: The original screenplay did not have any swearing. Most of the swearing in the film was ad-libbed by the actors.
Curt's Take - Worth Considering: By no means a GREAT film, but it was pretty damn good...took me by surprise, as I think I just expected your typical zombie flick. But this definitely put a unique spin on things. You're not only wondering who is going to survive, but this one has you thinking the entire time, trying to make sense of everything that is happening. And if you do figure things out doesn't ruin the movie. Sure, it's gory.but this fresh take on zombie films was will keep your interest and enjoyment levels high. Would recommend checking it out.if you don't mind horror films.
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