Take 4 TV: MST3K
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988 - 1999)
Familiar Faces: Well, you might recognize some folks in the movies that are being mocked, but the cast of MST3K haven't had much facetime outside the show. Funny folks, though.

The Challenge: When I sat down to review four episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000, I had no idea how difficult it would be to actually structure the review. I mean, how do you rate a television series which is basically a series of commentaries on very, very...very...bad movies? Well, I'll do my best.
The Premise: Haven't heard of MST3K, as the show was more popularly known? Well, here's the basic idea: a janitor has been sent up into space as part of a mad scientist's twisted experiment. While stranded on a satellite, the custodial worker is subjected to terrible movie after terrible movie (all part of the scientist's master plan, apparently). To keep himself company, the janitor proceeds to build a couple robot pals, and the three of them heckle the films that are sent to them. So basically, each episode is a pretty rotten B-Movie, with humorous commentary provided by a guy (either Joel or Mike, depending on the date of the episode) and two robot puppets. And...yep, that's about it.

Some Episodes I Watched: So, I checked out four episodes of MST3K: "The Girl in Gold Boots," in which Mike, and the 'bots (Tom Servo and Crow) watch a classic tale of life on the open road and go-go dancing; "Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues," in which the trio watch a professor from Arkansas and three of his students track a mysterious swamp creature; "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders," in which Mike, Tom and Crow have to deal with Ernest Borgnine telling his grandson some demon-infested bedtimes stories; and "Mr. B's Lost Shorts," which is actually a collection of several of the short 1950's educational films, such as "Johnny at the Fair" and "Are You Ready for Marriage?" that the three captives sometimes mock prior to watching the more lengthy feature films.
Random Trivia: The show was ranked #11 in TV Guide's list of "The 25 Top Cult Shows Ever," as well as #13 in "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends."
And I Quote: [After a bad edit results in a character suddenly appearing mid-scene] Tom Servo: "I'm back." Mike: "Anybody notice that I'm here now?" Crow: "C'mon, I just teleported here, it's impressive."
Curt's Take: Must See - Sometimes the episodes are hit or miss, but if you pick one of the good ones (I'd check out any of the above, although The Girl in Gold Boots is cast member Mike's favorite), there are some definite laugh-out-loud moments. Don't try and see all ten seasons, though, or you'll have a headache. Just rent an episode here and there...if you like your humor filled with random pop culture references, and don't mind chaotic goofiness every now and then, you'll enjoy this. However, if the idea of watching a bad movie, no matter how funny the mocking of it is, I guess you should skip this. I know several folks who don't like the show, but if you haven't seen it, I'd say check out an episode and see for yourself.