Take 4: More Surreal Estate
Several months back, I reviewed four movies that revolved around domiciles you probably would just rather not live in, near or around. In a similar vein, here are four films that may make you questions where home is indeed where the heart is.
And I Quote: Jenny: "Are you guys like mentally challenged? Because if you are, I'm certified to teach you softball."; Zee: "Whatever issue you guys have, I'm sure it has letters and they make pills for it."; Chowder: "My dad is at the pharmacy and my mom is at the movies with her personal trainer."
And I Quote: Mrs. Connelly: "Tell me about yourselves. What do you do Alan?" Alex: "Uh, it's Alex." Nancy: "Alex is a writer." Mrs. Connelly: "Oh, a writer. I always thought of that as more of a hobby than a real job. I suppose I'm forgetting about Joyce." Alex: "Joyce. James Joyce. Of course. Wonderful writer." Mrs. Connelly: "He died drunk and penniless."
And I Quote: Dale: "I got a question for you...do you think I'm nuts? Quick. Yes or no." Leah: "No." Dale: "Wrong."
Random Trivia: The address for Cunningham Mental Health Facility is listed on various pieces of mail in the movie as "Kirkside" or "Kirkside, MI." The ZIP code listed is 34076. When looked up online, however, that ZIP code is listed as being reserved for a military installation.
Recommended Reading: Take 4 - Surreal Estate
The Premise: A group of kids discover that the spooky house across the street may be a bit more than merely creepy. When the house itself comes alive on Halloween and begins eating anything that crosses its lawn, our young heroes realize that they must find a way to stop it...before that night's gaggle of trick-or-treaters turns into an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Initial Expectations: I hadn't seen a feature-length CGI film in quite some time, and have several in my Netflix queue. When this review came up and I was looking for a fourth film to round out the set, I was happy to be able to move this to the top of the list. I expected it to be pretty entertaining.
Type of Conflict: Kids vs. House
Familiar Faces: Er...voices. Like most of these mainstream computer-animated films, you have some well-known voice talent taking part. Monster House includes the vocal talents of such actors as Steve Buscemi, Kevin James, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Lee, Catherine O'Hara, Fred Willard, Kathleen Turner and Jon Heder.

Random Trivia: The film used 3D motion capture techniques to digitally record the physical performances of the actors before "skinning" them with their animated forms.
Curt's Take: Worth Considering - I really enjoyed this, but no more so than any of the other handful of CGI films I've seen over the years. Not your typical Disney animated film, it has your typical mix of child-focused humor, as well as some stuff that only the adults in the group will get. There weren't any earth-shaking messages imparted, although you do feel the frustration of DJ, Chowder and Jenny, the three young protagonists who have to take matters into their own hands, when they aren't able to get any of the adults in their life to believe them. And, I have to admit, Monster House is the only animated film that has ever made me jump in my seat. In the end, it's very entertaining, so I'd definitely recommend it if you're in the mood for an animated film, but it's not going to change your life in any way.
The Premise: Alex and Nancy want to make the transition from being apartment renters to being homeowners, so find a nice duplex in Brooklyn. Only problem is that, with the house, comes an elderly woman who rents a suite of rooms upstairs and, contractually, can't be evicted. Things go well enough at first...but the upstairs neighbor proves to be much more than they bargained for.
Initial Expectations: I liked both the main stars of this (see below), so was expecting a decent comedy...in spite of the fact that I remember not being that impressed with the previews. Looking back, I'm not sure how this ended up in my rental queue...if I'd wanted to see it, or if I stumbled upon it as a good way to round out this set of reviews.
Type of Conflict: Landlords vs. Tenant
Familiar Faces: Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore play Alex and Nancy, the young couple that must find a way to deal with their elderly nuisance upstairs. In smaller roles, you also have Justin Theroux (a familiar face on my "Stars to Look Out For" list), Swoosie Kurtz, Maya Rudolph (of Saturday Night Live fame), Harvey Fierstein, and Wallace "Inconceivable!" Shawn (of The Princess Bride). Danny DeVito, who directed this film, also is the voice of the narrator at the beginning and end of the movie.

Random Trivia: Mrs. Connelly's parrot, Little Dick, is shown several times flying around her apartment. However, in close-up shots of the bird, its wings are clipped.
Curt's Take: Not a Priority - A little like Home Alone, but with grown-ups instead of Macaulay Culkin, and with an elderly Irish Catholic woman instead of burglars. It relied a little too much on visual gags and slapstick comedy for me, as opposed to clever dialogue (in contrast to Meet the Parents, which I think has a good balance of the two). It really reminded of me of the sort of movie you'd sit back and enjoy on a cross-country flight, but might not necessarily get a kick out of at home. If there's nothing else on, maybe watch this...but it's nice outside, so go get some fresh air.
The Premise: After deciding that life in New York City was not the best for their family, Cooper and Leah Tilson move out to the country into an old manor house. As they settle in, the former owner, Dale Massie, returns from prison...and while the Tilson's are the legal owners of Cold Creek Manor, Massie has a tough time stomaching that. A real tough time.
Initial Expectations: I remember the previews making this look like a decent thriller, so I was expecting some edge-of-your-couch moments.
Type of Conflict: Current Owner vs. Former Owner
Familiar Faces: Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone play the Tilson's, while Stephen Dorff plays Massie. Other nice surprises: Juliette Lewis as Ruby, Massie's girlfriend, and Christopher Plummer as Massie's dad. Finally, a young actress by the name of Kristen Stewart plays the Tilson's daughter. It's ironic because I had just recently seen her on the big screen as the daughter in The Messengers, and before I recognized her from that, I had been thinking to myself that this film had many similarities to that one: family moves from the city to a rundown home in the country, family hires local person with connections to the old house to help refurbish it, etc.

Random Trivia: Christopher Plummer only spent two days on the set. He was shooting one day each with Dennis Quaid and Stephen Dorff.
Curt's Take: Worth Considering - This was pretty good as far as psychological thrillers go. Dorff and Quaid aren't the best actors here, but the pacing and conflict still make this film pretty nerve-wracking at points. There's one scene, for example, during which I actually had to pause the DVD and get up and walk around a bit because I was a little freaked out. So, if thrillers are your thing, you may want to check this out. And if you really, really can't stand snakes...you may want to avoid this.
The Premise: Clark Stevens, a young psychiatry student, starts an internship at Cunningham Mental Health Facility, with the hopes of improving conditions for the patients. Shortly after his arrival, however, both staff and patients start meeting rather grisly demises, while Clark begins to question whether the patients' reports of the asylum being haunted are more than figments of their imaginations.
Initial Expectations: Didn't really have any, but I alway enjoy a good horror film. Just wasn't sure if this would turn out to be a good one.
Type of Conflict: Staff vs. Inmates vs. ???
Familiar Faces: At first I thought that only Lance Henriksen (who plays the head of the facility, Dr. Franks) would be the only person I recognized (he's done a lot of horror/thrillers over the years), but then while playing around online, I discovered that Josh Leonard, who plays Clark, was the same Josh who was one of the three missing film students from The Blair Witch Project. Weird.
And I Quote: Cuckoo Clock: "Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo." (Just thought this was a great bit of humor in a mental hospital, whether intentional or not)

Curt's Take: Not a Priority - The film definitely gets points for creepiness, but loses a lot for predictability. Plus, Josh Leonard's haircut bugged the hell out of me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it was really off-putting. Like, a really bad wig. It wasn't completely terrible, though...so I think it's still a fair candidate as a last-ditch option for a horror movie if you need one. The tone and style reminded me a lot of the remake of Thirteen Ghosts, which was a much better film in comparison, so I'd recommend seeing that one instead.
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