Take 4 TV: Dead Like Me

What's Going On?: When Georgia "George" Lass was killed by flaming debris falling from space (specifically, a toilet seat), life as she knew it ended...but her undeath was just starting. Rather than meet her maker, she became employed into the ranks of the Reapers. Now, her job is to claim the souls of those about to die, in order to ease their transition into the afterlife (while also working part-time at Happy Time, a temp agency, to pay the bills). Her and her new family of Reapers, including a young actress who died on the set of Gone With the Wind and a booze-addicted punk from 1960's Britain, face uncooperative dead folks, mischievous Gravelings, and the ever-burning question of where next month's rent check is going to come from.
Leading the Line-Up: Newcomer Ellen Muth plays George Lass, just one of five main members of the cast. While she was very much the central character in the first season, it truly becomes more of an ensemble piece in the second season. Also of note is Mandy Patinkin, who plays Rube, the head of the group of Reapers (it's his job to assign the others their soul-catching tasks)...pretty much the father figure of the group. And can't forget Jasmine Guy, who plays Roxy...part-time Reaper, part-time meter-maid turned cop. You'll remember her as Whitney from the television show A Different World.
Things to Look Out For: A pretty clever script, a very likeable cast, and some rather twisted deaths.
Special Features to Catch: A few things here. First, a ten-minute "behind the scenes" look at the second season. You can skip this, unless you're curious how some of the people act off-set. Also, a look at the making of some of the special effects. This was kind of interesting, but only marginally. Next, some deleted scenes that weren't all that impressive. Finally, some still photos and previews of other MGM DVDs. All in all, a little disappointing on the Special Features front.
Random Trivia: The series was inspired by the Piers Anthony novel "On A Pale Horse", where a man kills Death and has to take over his job, but works on the notion that there are multiple Grim Reapers working the planet.

Life Lessons From Dead Like Me: 1) When your number's up, your number's up. 2) If you lose one daughter, and your other daughter is convinced that some remnant of her sister is still around...try to be a little understanding. 3) If you are trying to sell a product called "The Kitchen Guillotine," for God's sake, be careful.
Curt's Take: "Worth Considering" - Well, I really liked this series, but then again...Curt digs quirky humor. There's just something highly amusing to me about a group of Grim Repears from different eras sitting around in a booth at Der Waffle Haus getting assigned their reaps for the day on little yellow post-it notes. Definitely unlike any show out there. Unfortunately, I believe Season Two was the final season of this show...and there are so many things left unaddressed. Really hoping they bring it back. But seems unlikely...
On Our Next Episode: Don't drop the soap! We're going to prison...
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